
secure website hosting


Secure, Fast Website Hosting is critical in today’s highly competitive online business world.

The server your business site is hosted on needs to be responsive, capable of sustaining multiple clients viewing your site at the same time, providing secure website hosting and email services.

When your site responds slowly, it has a
negative impact on your customer interaction and affects your search engine ranking.

Latency refers to the average time a site takes to load online, is now a consistent factor in most search engine’s scoring algorithms, the average time a site takes to load online, is now a consistent factor in most search engine’s scoring algorithms.


Also Encryption has become the recommended standard for safe online business practices. With privacy, security, and consumer protection in the forefront of the news, many business are taking the extra step of encrypting their sites, and email messages with an added layer of security – a Secure Socket Layer Encryption certificate. These certificates are validated by an issuing authority, and provide the secure lock in a user’s browser when viewing a site – letting the user know that it is safe to provide data (including credit card, or personal information) to a site that is protected by encryption.

Digital Warlock provides the NEWEST industry standard 4096-bit SSL certificate, with 99.9% browser recognition, 256 bit encryption of all data, and a minimum of a $250,000 relying party warranty in its Commercial Secure Web Hosting product. (In addition, a dedicated IP (Internet Protocol) address is provided to the business website hosting – a one of a kind global numeric address, that only goes to the business site – so that the site is isolated from any other shared traffic or shared email use. This prevents the site from being blocked by accident, if another business on the same IP address on a shared account gets blacklisted. It also results in the site being accessed faster. And all hosted sites now have direct support for HTTP/2!

Secure Website Hosting
Http/2 Now Supported.

HTTP/2 is a newer protocol for transporting data that will drastically speed up the web and can help your SEO. The ‘old’ HTTP1.1 protocol only allows web servers to send files down a single line one at a time, and that line has to open and close after each file has been sent – a process that can take ages. HTTP/2 offers a dramatic speed boost as the line can be kept open and a lot of stuff can be sent at once.

Going this extra step also provides the business with an advantage in regards to search engine ranking: Google, Bing, Yahoo, and many of the other top search engines are showing a preference to sites that protect the consumer’s data with an SSL certificate. Encryption has become one of the scoring factors when determining best ranking. Digital Warlock’s servers are located in modular Tier-1 data centers throughout the United States, and were specifically designed provide the ideal balance of both website hosting performance and security. Our servers are updated constantly with the current standards of technology, including the newer multi-core processors, solid-state drives, and higher speed memory.

Sites are backed up regularly, and have many levels of redundancy. They are connected on multiple fiber rings to ensure that your site stays up at all times. We provide commercial hosting service with burstable bandwidth. If your site gets a sudden rush of traffic such as getting interviewed on a major new outlet, or receiving a celebrity endorsement – you can rest assured that this will not “swamp” or slow down your server greatly. And a Fast Site is also easier to edit and update, encouraging you to update it more often.

You also receive professional, high capacity Encrypted Email services with your Secure Commercial High Speed Website Hosting. Each hosting account allows for unlimited mailboxes, with attachments up to 200 megabytes. Full webmail access is also made for all accounts, unlimited aliases are also available, and each account has Managed Spam filtering with Private Whitelists and Blacklists. POP3, IMAP4, and SMTP Service is also provided, along with the support needed to connect your site to Google Cloud, or Microsoft 365 as well.


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