
Logo Design and identity

Logo Design and Identity Branding is critical for a modern business to make the best possible impression on its clients.

Our Logo Design team can create several different Logo concepts based on an initial client interview. The client then gets to mix and match elements, colors, fonts, narrowing the process until a single approved logo is completed. Then Digital Warlock provides all of the common file formats – color, grayscale, vector, transparent, high resolution for print.

Many people believe a logo design only consists of a few elements – some colors, some fonts, an image, a slogan and maybe some music added in too. In reality, it is much more complicated than that. A brand is a business identity.

The fundamental idea and core concept behind having a business identity is that everything a company does, everything it owns and everything it produces should reflect the values and aims of the business as a whole. It is the consistency of this core idea that makes up the company, driving it, showing what it stands for, what it believes in and why they exist.

In today’s digital world, image is even more important – you need to have exact images and image control over your logo or brand. In the past, having a hand drawn image may have worked, but customer expectations have evolved. It shows if your logo is dated or if you cannot present it properly.

Digital Warlock can also help you modernize your look and get your art in razor sharp detail images, regardless of size. We call this service, Logo Repair. Don’t struggle with pixelated, “fuzzy” images, when you try to get something printed, projected, embroidered, or enlarged in trade show materials, such as banners and signs with your business logo – we can help you get it crystal clear.


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