Chamber Connections PM – Vegas Chamber
September 17 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm PDT
Dedicated Leads Groups Exclusively for Vegas Chamber Members
Meet potential new customers and make valuable business-to-business connections! Chamber Connections is a professional leads group and the place for business professionals! Come together and grow your business through sharing ideas, referrals, and contacts. Learn effective ways to network, incorporate social media into your personal and professional branding! Establish a group of peers dedicated to helping one another grow through business relationships.
Must be a Vegas Chamber member in good standing to join.
If you are interested in joining the Tuesday group, please email Art Goldberg,, and include your name, your company name and the business/industry that you represent. Prospective members are welcome to attend one time. Please have any guests RSVP to
Guests are welcome to attend. Please have any guests RSVP to agoldberg@vegaschamber.